Sunday, January 1, 2012


Happy New Year!! So excited for 2012 and what it is going to bring to our family!

Today C is 18 months-old! A YEAR AND A HALF?!?! We celebrated with a birthday cake for him. S got a piece and didn't even eat two bites of it. When asked why, she told me it had too much chocolate icing on it. WHAT???? It is my understanding that there is no such thing as too much chocolate!!

Stat update 1/13/2012:
Weight - 25.5lb(43%tile)
Height - 34.25in(92%tile)
Head - 19.5in(89%tile)

We also got a visit from Uncle Bobby! He came baring gifts for the kids and as he liked to point out they all either 1)had a bazillion pieces or 2)made lots of noise! The kids loved them and Mommy, well, let's just say there will be revenge one day:)

Oh, I should mention that our kids had an extra dose of the sillies this afternoon! SO fun to watch them as they just feed off of one another and get sillier and sillier!:) I love them!

We had turnip greens and homemade crock pot black eyed peas for the first time I think ever since we've been married! It actually turned out really good so maybe we'll attempt to do that each year!

Our day was great and we're looking forward to a new year!

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