Wednesday, January 18, 2012

The Princess and the Redneck

This morning S wanted to wear a dress, as she does every single day, and lots of jewelry (which has also become quite a frequent request!). She is an all around girly-girl princess and I love it!And, on the opposite extreme, I dressed C in a pair of Carhartt overalls for the first time with a thermal Bass Pro Shop onesie underneath. Oh did he look redneck!!! But, he loved it and first thing he did was to stick his hands in his pockets as he strutted around the house. Oh, it was a trip!!:)

1 comment:

GiGi said...

S does ballet even while on the sliding board...too cute.
I noticed that C was doing the "hands in the pocket" and "I am cool" trick when you guys were here in thing that you will know , he will be driving with his arm out of the window & looking cool.