Monday, December 31, 2012


After C recovered from his virus, we finally made our way to Atlanta on Friday afternoon!!

The girls spent Saturday morning at the mall, which if you know me you know I going to the mall, but it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be!  Gigi treated S to some jewelry, we visited the American Girl store(and will hopefully return next time with one of S's dolls - although they are not American Girl dolls I am hoping she won't notice! - for lunch!), rode the carousel two times with Gigi and had lunch before heading back home to hang out with the guys!  The afternoon was filled with dressing up, puppet shows and a visit from Uncle Bobby.  M and I were able to go out for a date night on Saturday night!!!!  It was FREEZING and we even saw a few snow flurries while we were walking to the restaurant!  It was a great evening until we both ended up with a touch of food poisoning putting a bit of a damper on an otherwise awesome day!

Sunday we were a bit slow to get moving after having been up all night with upset stomachs:(  But, by lunchtime we were feeling much much better!!!  Thank goodness!  We met up with my cousin, Kim, and her two girls at Monkey Joe's and the kids played together and had an absolute blast together!!  The 4 of them got along amazingly:) 

Today after getting most of our stuff packed up to drive home, we took a walk down the walking trail next to my parents' house!  Usually my dad is the one to take the kids down to the creek to throw rocks in and the kids look forward to it and talk about it every time we go to Atlanta!!  My dad had taken them on Sunday for a bit, but it was soooo cold that they didn't last long at all.  The weather today was much nicer and we all joined the walk!  My dad was glad to have a few extra adults around to wrangle the kids and it was a wonderful walk and chance to get some fresh air before driving home! 

The kids both cried when we left because they didn't want to leave, causing me and Gigi to also cry(softies!!!), and we are looking forward to going back again in the spring!

**Notice S's eye!  She fell down the stairs(C fell down the stairs at Cousin Will's house just a few days earlier and still has a bruise on his cheek!!) on Friday when we got there and ended up with a black eye that is just now looking normal! 

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Everyone holding that stick on the walk cracks me up. So glad you still got to go to Atl!