Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Together Tuesdays

This evening, after S got out of dance, I took the kids to the Roper Mountain Holiday Lights. The kids had a ball!

This was the first time that any of us had been and it wasn't actually even on my "list of things to do" this Christmas. But, last week when I was getting onto the highway after S's dance class(about 5pm), I look up and I can see the lights and think, "Wow! I am so close, I wonder what time it opens and would it work to just go after dance class?" I checked when I got home and found out they open the gates at 6pm. PERFECT!! So after class tonight, we grabbed dinner and were at the gate with only about 2 minutes to spare!

The kids were able to see Santa(Well, they saw him from a distance - we've seen him already a bunch this year and are seeing him again on Friday so I didn't think it was really necessary to see him yet again tonight. Not to mention S has a tendency to ask for something different each time she sees him and as I said in an earlier post I am done shopping and don't feel like having to track down yet another gift that she might come up with on the fly!), had balloon hats made(S got an elf hat and C got a Santa hat), walked through some of the lights and drove through(twice I might add!) the rest of it! We had the windows down, listening to Christmas music while we moved along at a snail's pace making sure we saw all there was to see! They really got into it and I'm glad we went!!

On the way home, I took the back way to the house so that we could search for more lights as we drove! We were all calling out whose side of the car the next lights were on, but after a while I could only hear me and S calling it out and a nothing more than a quiet rhythmic snore coming from the boy's side of the car! HAHA!! Poor kid! We must have worn him slap out!! I couldn't wake him up for anything(not even waving a sucker in front of his face while flapping his limp little arms up and down!)! 

Hopefully everyone will sleep really well tonight after such a busy evening of Christmas fun!!

1 comment:

GiGi said...

That little handsome boy of yours is a spitting image of that handsome husband of yours!!