Monday, December 17, 2012

Elf Antics Part 2

S absolutely loves looking for Boy every morning!  She thinks it is great!  We don't really emphasize the part of the whole Elf on the Shelf thing with regards to him reporting behavior back to Santa.  IT is more of just a hide and seek game more than anything:)

And, in case you haven't already noticed, Boy must stay out of arms reach because C does not understand that he is not allowed to even touch Boy!  And let me tell you, if he did, S would completely lose it!!!  Soooo.... Boy has worked very hard to stay out of the way of curious little hands:)  Needless to say, this very much limits the stunts he is able to come up with and sometimes he just merely sits in a high up place.... boring, but very necessary!!

Here are Boy's latest whereabouts:

1.  Sitting up on the curtain rod.
2.  Joy riding with Sponge Bob - who knew they were even friends!?!?
3.  Playing Memory.
4.  Going green:)
5.  Ready to make Christmas cookies...yum!!
6.  Drinking tea with a furry friend.

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