Sunday, December 2, 2012

The Nutcracker

This afternoon, I took S to see her first performance of The Nutcracker!!  To say she was in awe would be an understatement!  The studio where she takes dance were the ones doing the performance and a few of the girls in her class were in the show and her teacher had one of the main parts of Clara and we went with a friend from class!  She thought it was so neat that she knew the people on stage and also that she got to see her teacher do a lot of amazing ballet!

When Daddy asked her about it when we got home, she told him that Miss Erica brought her up on stage and she got to be one of the kids who ran out from under Mother Ginger's dress.  I guess she was imagining herself up on stage dancing in The Nutcracker!!  She had told me earlier that her favorite part was the part with Mother Ginger and when she was sitting in my lap during the show she was lifting her arms above her heads along with the dancers on stage.  I think she was dreaming the whole time that she was right up there on that stage!!  I told her that in a couple of years, she would be able to audition for a part in The Nutcracker and the thought of that made her(and me!) very excited:)

1 comment:

GiGi said...

Love the story..Love the dress...