Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas Eve

This afternoon, we went to an early 3pm Christmas Eve service at church(since C doesn't nap much anymore, it makes it possible for us to do this!).  C went to the nursery area, but S sat with us in "big church" and was very excited when a friend sat next to us!  The girls were impressively well-behaved and we enjoyed celebrating the day with a reminder of Baby Jesus!

After dinner, we made cookies for Santa, spread "reindeer food"(thanks, Amanda and Darcy!!) full of sprinkles and glitter outside so that the reindeer would spot our house from way up above, read The Night Before Christmas and tracked Santa's progress through NORAD watching as he made his deliveries in Egypt, France and Switzerland. 

It was a fun, exciting evening and the kids went to bed with visions of sugarplum fairies dancing in their heads!:)



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