Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Kindergarten Thanksgiving Program

Today was S's Thanksgiving program at school and it was very cute and extremely entertaining!!

All of the kindergarten classes participated and were each split into Indians and Pilgrims.  Some had speaking parts, some acting parts.  S had a speaking part (see video below) and did a great job!!

Each class also sang a song(see video below) and S has been practicing and practicing and practicing some more!  C and I both know it too:)  There was one little boy in her class who sang so loudly that I was laughing too hard to keep my phone steady!  It was a riot!!!

I thoroughly enjoyed watching my little Indian on stage!!

Mommy distracting the kids from the story their teacher
was reading them:)

Pretty Indian princess!

S and Liam

S is in the back row with the blue headband on just to the right of the

Singing their songs.

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