Saturday, November 9, 2013

Blue Ridge Parkway Adventures

Today we went up to the Blue Ridge Parkway and boy was it fun... and cold!

We had wanted to go last weekend during the peak of the season, but our schedule didn't allow for it and we had to wait until today to go!  The majority of the trees had already lost their leaves, but it was beautiful up there regardless!

We have gone the past two years - 2011 we took the kids in August and 2012 just M and I went in October.  It is amazing how much colder it is just one month later!  Brrr!!!  Thanks to The Berenstain Bears, Thomas and Curious George, we had a pleasant trip up to the Parkway.  We did the section this time from Devil's Courthouse down to Waterrock Knob.  We hiked a total of about 2 miles of what was considered by the Blue Ridge Parkway website as strenuous hiking!  GO US - and GO KIDDOS!!!

The kids did great at Devil's Courthouse but S got a little tired and cold when we did Waterrock Knob.  It was a very intense hike with rocky terrain and we estimate the temperature was in the lower 30s with a bitter cold wind, so I can see where my little chickadee with no body insulation was probably somewhat cold!  C is a pretty great hiker - except that he likes to jump off everything and just about jumped off the side of the mountain once when his gloved hand slipped out of my gloved hand while jumping!!!!  Scary!

After we finished Waterrock Knob we were DONE and COLD!  We took the interstate home and stopped in Asheville, NC for dinner thinking 5:30pm was early and we wouldn't have to wait to eat.  WRONG!!!  It was packed and the streets were full of people everywhere and it took 1.5 hours to finish - and that is with us inhaling our food because by this time we were so hungry after our day of hiking!

Both kids were terribly cranky by this point and truth be told so were Mommy and Daddy!  I cranked up the radio on the way home to drown out the whining and fighting from the back seat in order to save my sanity!  Both kids were asleep in no time - this is a huge deal for S because she never, ever, ever sleeps in the car!

M and I are already planning a trip to the Parkway again... with or without kids!

Devil's Courthouse:

Random goat on the side of the road as we drove up Hwy 178!
I thought it was hysterical!

It had gotten down to 21 degrees last night and there was ice everywhere!

Like his Mommy, no fear of heights!

She wouldn't get in a picture with me, but jumped in with her daddy:)

Waterrock Knob:

It almost looks like it wasn't even real... like the bench is a prop:)

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