Monday, November 25, 2013

Gearing Up for Thanksgiving

We really haven't done anything worth blogging about, but I still want pictures of stuff, so this post is just to get everything posted before Thanksgiving gets here and I do have something blog-worthy!!

My cutie Starbucks date:)

We drew LOTS of chalk pictures on this particular

This kiddo has been very fussy lately - and I think this is why, he is tired!

Every night after the kids are in bed, this is what we've been doing for HOURS: window color,
brick color, mortar color, soffit color, column color, and on and on and on!!
Proud of his haircut - he was perfect for the lady who cut
it and didn't move the entire time!!
This is what I get when I tell her to go put her shoes on - it is in
the 40s!!!!


Her turkey placemat - this is how she colors all of her pictures -
no white spaces!!!  Even her schoolwork, I guess she finishes early
and is board, is completely colored on the back!

C's turkey shirt from last year!  Still fits and he is VERY proud of it!!

1 comment:

Amy and Michael said...

Love S's art work for the placemat...beautiful!