Thursday, November 14, 2013

Crazy Kids!

Little Monkey!

Dancing Princesses:)

Dancin' Queen!

C wrote his "name" on his cup like I do for school... I think I can
make out a 't', 'n' and 'c'...maybe!?!?

Sunset in the backyard!
Lovin' getting the oil changed!  I think he ate his weight in doughnuts
and cinnamon rolls during the hour and a half we were there!

Playing tractors:)  Caillou was on in the background and I despise
that show and apparently C thinks about as highly of it as I do because
he wasn't paying attention to it either - good taste, my boy!

S got the Terrific Kid award today for her class!  This means that
she is compassionate and thoughtful of others!  VERY PROUD of

It has been COLD here!  We broke out the footed jammies for the kids!

Beautiful, morning at Lake Robinson!

COLD!!! (I obviously need to dust the dash a bit!!)

1 comment:

Amy and Michael said...

I love the picture of them in the princess gowns. Priceless!