Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Falling for Fall

This kid loves being outside and the weather lately has been
perfect for him to play, play, play.

Play date with his best friend, Mark.

His favorite thing to do while outside is ride his bike!  We FINALLY
remembered to bring his bike to the park!

S had a funky rash so I took her to the doctor the other morning, and I
found this picture that afternoon of C entertaining himself during
the appointment.

We got C a new "big boy" car seat.  He was so proud of being big
enough to have one like his sister.  It apparently sleeps really
well too!

No less that 3 afternoons a week, the kids are out playing with the neighbors,
running back and forth between the houses.  S is allowed to now go by
herself, and she just thinks she is the cats meow with this new priviledge!
I still have to be out there with C-man, so this particular afternoon, I was
extra-productive and vacuumed out the car!:)

We had a play date at a friend's house/farm and got to hold a baby
goat and collect eggs out of the hen house!

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