Friday, November 29, 2013

Fish Camp Friday

Instead of the guys playing golf and the girls taking the kids to see Santa today like we've done in the past when we were in New Bern, we went to a fish camp!

We started the morning playing over at cousin Dylan's house and riding his 4-wheeler which the kids LOVED!  At lunch time we made our way to the fish camp for BBQ, fishing, boat rides, s'mores, corn hole, football and Settlers!!!!  It was a full afternoon of relaxing, eating, playing and generally just enjoying being a family!

On the way back to the hotel, C fell asleep(I haven't mentioned it yet, but we did not sleep good on this trip and we were all running on about empty by the time we left the fish camp!) so I asked M to stop at the mall across the street from our hotel so I could run in "real quick"(on Black Friday, HAHA!) to grab one thing!  OH.MY.GRACIOUS!!!  I have never been shopping on Black Friday before and I will never go again - not even for one little thing that wasn't even on sale!

We opted to bring dinner to the hotel and eat in the lobby so in case we had a meltdown we could escape fast to the room:)

The kids did fine, ate a decent dinner and went to bed without too much talking for the first time since we arrived!

It was a great day of memories!

Cousin Dylan's 4-wheeler

S's turn to drive.

Lucy, S and Kate playing Bingo

Jennifer entertained us all(here, Connor) with a magic show!

S Fishing

Our Family

M and C going out on the boat.

Kate and S hopped on too!

And they are off - it is amazing that C didn't go in the lake!!

C fishing

S playing corn hole with Uncle Bobby

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