Monday, May 20, 2013

S's Last Day of K4

It is so very hard to believe, but my baby girls is officially done with preschool... forever!!

I didn't think I'd be sad today, but it is bittersweet!  There is no denying that she is growing up fast!  Next year she will, hopefully(depending on our house situation), be in big girl KINDERGARTEN!  It is hard to wrap my head around it!  I'm excited, nervous, sad, proud, and so many other emotions all balled up together!

She has learned so much this year academically and socially!  She makes friends so easily and you can't help but be attracted to her bubbly personality.  She is smart as a whip and can count to 99(I really wish she would just go one more to 100, ha!) and is taking off in her reading as well!  She loves to do crafts and write and play with her friends.  She is a sweet girl with a kind heart and a zest for life like no other!

Congratulations, Sweet Stella, on a wonderful year!

S and her sweet teacher, Mrs. Hall.

After school, we partied it up at McDonald's with a few friends from school!

Mrs. Hall gave all the parents a CD of pictures from throughout the year for which I am so thankful!!!

Halloween party

Letter G week - I think these guys escaped while they were cooking:)  S's is the bottom left one that of course is anatomically correct!

Christmas party

Doughnuts for Dads

Fire Station field trip

Apple orchard field trip

Valentine's Day party

Zoo field trip


Mother Goose Day

Strawberry picking field trip

Teddy bear picnic

Easter party

Mothers Day

Farmer Day

1 comment:

Kate said...

Kindergarten!!! How can that be?! Congrats to you and to S!