Wednesday, May 15, 2013

C's Last Day of School

So sad!!!

But, he has done great at Brushy Creek Baptist Church!!!  When I dropped him off this morning, his teachers made sure that I knew that he has had a wonderful year and is "such a sweet and caring boy" and I think they actually meant it:)  Melts my heart!!

I tried to get pictures of C with his teachers, but he wasn't having it at all!  I snapped one before we left this morning and a couple of him playing the playground when I went to pick him up!  His teachers also sent a picture home of his class(this is a picture of a picture so quality leaves a bit to be desired!).

And, on his last day, he went potty at school!  WOOHOO!!  They were so excited, he was completely beside himself and I was so very proud of him!  He has gone a few times at the house, including going poopy in the potty, but has never gone when he was out before.  He then proceeded to come home and go peepee on the potty again!  Two times in one day must mean it is about time to start potty-training!

He has also learned a lot this year!  He knows all his colors, counts to 9, "sings" his ABCs, sings lots of songs in general - Row Row Row Your Boat, Jesus Loves Me, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, Thy Word and so many others, he recognizes his written name and I am sure I am missing tons of stuff!  He is such a smart, compassionate, active little guy!

Awesome last day for C-man!!

1 comment:

Chelle said...

Hooray for potty training! I just smile every time I waltz right past the diaper aisle!