Friday, October 12, 2012

Fall for Greenville

Tonight I took the kids to Fall for Greenville by myself in the new double stroller. Okay, so I took them by myself last year as well, and it was a great experience. Not so much this time! We got there about 5pm when it started and I had them both strapped in and we wandered up and down the street eating all kinds of different delicacies - pizza, quesadilla, sweet potato fries, popcorn, cookies, and my favorite and the one I kept all for myself shrimp and grits! HA! We ate pretty much the same things we did last year and nothing too exotic:) It was all I could do to push and maneuver 65lb of kiddos plus whatever the stroller weighs! And, the event is so awesome that it draws a HUGE crowd and by 6:30pm it was an absolute madhouse!!!! Even if I didn't have the kids with me or I did have help, I wouldn't want to stay any later just due to the sheer number of people there! It was crazy! I finished off with cookies for the kids and let them get out and run around like monkeys before loading them back into the car. They enjoyed the running around part, but I'm not so sure they had as much fun as I thought they would riding in the stroller together. Oh well! Next year I will not be doing this event solo even as much as I enjoy all the festivities and food that go along with Fall for Greenville!

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