Friday, October 5, 2012

Fall Book Week

I did a book week with S over the spring/summer and she absolutely loved it, so I had one all planned out for her again this past week!  Every morning she would wake up asking about what book and craft we were doing for book week that day!  I'd say that she LOVED it again!:)  Guess I'll be planning another one in a few months for her!!

This time, our books were:
The Mitten by Jan Brett - we made a mitten
Planting a Rainbow by Lois Ehlert - we planted pumpkin seeds
Owl Moon by Jane Yolen - we made a paper bag owl puppet
The Rose in My Garden by Arnold Lobel - we made a corn syrup painting
Pizza at Sally's by Monica Wellington - we made a pizza dinner




Amy and Michael said...

You are WAY too creative...can I send my kids there and they tag along :-)

W and Js mommy said...


KLee said...

Love this idea!