Friday, October 19, 2012

Boo in the Zoo

Tonight, for the first time in 4 years, we went to Boo in the Zoo! 

It was really fun and the kids were able to make their costume debuts!  S was Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz(even though she has no idea who that is and has never seen the movie she loved the costume and the ruby red slippers just put her over the edge with excitement when she got dressed up!).  C was suppose to be Bob the Builder, but because I didn't find a shirt that looked like Bob the Builder's and I was too cheap to spend $35 on a kid's tool belt, he ended up going as a construction worker and loved it - although the hardhat did not even last through the entrance of the gate!  HA! 

The kids were able to trick-or-treat through the zoo and got tons of candy!  Probably about 1/2 of the animals were put away, but we were able to catch a glimpse of Autumn the giraffe who is due to give birth to a new calf any minute now!  She was back in the barn area, but did stick her head out over the wall to check on her boy giraffe friend and the father of the calf, Walter!  The giraffes are C's favorite and we spent a little extra time there before going in search of more candy:) 

We had a wonderful, exhausting, extra-late night but it was all well-worth it!

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