Saturday, September 29, 2012

Reading and Art

This morning the kids had a few minutes(a very, short-lived few minutes I might add) of reading together before the birthday craziness of the day started.  I think half of our friends have birthdays this month!! 

At one of the parties, the party goers were given an art lesson and taught to paint a picture of a blue car with a surfboard.  I allowed S to do the entire thing herself although it took all the restraint I had not to step in and "help" her!!  I mean, really, I am one of the worst artists I know, so who am I to tell her that what I would do is better than what she would do!?!?  She made her very own with no help from Mommy, work of art and is very proud of it!

1 comment:

Amy and Michael said...

Stella - that is a beautiful work of art! A masterpiece for sure. Such a serious artist face too.