Thursday, September 27, 2012

Camp Pop-Pop

I grew up camping with my family!  We all loved it and my brother and I continued camping into college and our early twenties!  Now, with kids, it has been a while since I've been but we've talked about taking our first camping trip next summer when C will be three.  But, the kids have been exposed to the "camp pop-pop" as S calls it:)  When C was born, my parents came and stayed a week in their pop-up and S absolutely loved it!  That was more than TWO YEARS ago, and she still occasionally talks about it.  Yesterday, Gigi surprised the kids by bringing it when she came to visit.  To say the kids love it is an understatement!  S helped set the entire thing up and take it down and once he figured out what in the world it was, C was all about being inside of it.  Last night we had dinner in it and this morning they couldn't wait to get out there first thing and have breakfast!  While C was napping, S and Gigi played games and puzzles in it which gave me a quiet house where I read 100 pages in one sitting - unheard of!  What great entertainment all day!  I think it is in their blood to love camping:)  Makes me excited about next summer!

And, we also went to the park this morning with Gigi so of course I took pictures!:)  I forget how nice it is to have an extra set of hands around when going places!  I had not been to this park in probably a year because it is so big and I can no longer contain C in a stroller and him be happy about it, so we just opt for parks that aren't quite as spread out!

Thanks for a great visit Gigi!!

1 comment:

Amy and Michael said...

Yay! We camp too - we will have to plan a weekend camping with the kids!!
Love the Pop-Pop!