Monday, September 3, 2012

Big Boy Bed

We put C in his big boy bed tonight!!

While we were in Hilton Head, he slept in a big boy bed each night in the same room as S.  Every night they talked and S would keep him in his bed and was generally an awesome big sister and teacher.  So, with this fresh in his head, we decided when we got back that we'd go ahead and move him into a big boy bed even though he wasn't trying to escape from his crib yet!  Saturday after the tractor show, the kids and I ran around town to purchase the mattress set, sheets, comforter and mattress pad(we are inheriting Uncle Bobby's bed from when he was a little boy but won't get that for a few more weeks as it is still in Atlanta).  I came home and washed everything but they still had not delivered the mattress(it wouldn't fit in my car and I'm not about to drive around with it strapped to the top!) so we weren't able to put him in it Saturday night.  Last night I was at the baseball game and got home after C was already in bed and I wanted to be here for his first night.  That left tonight! 

After naps today, we went to work changing his room from a baby room into a boy room.  I have very mixed emotions about this!  It is so sad to see all of the baby stuff gone, so fast!  I've convinced M that we need to turn the crib into an art table(check out Pinterest's ideas!!) so at least I don't have to part with that - we can't sell it anyway because the drop-side cribs like we have have all been recalled! 

We also took the rocker out of his room so when I went to do his bible story and prayers, there was no snuggling in the chair with him.  I sat on the side of his bed and he bounced around while we went through our routine.  I think this is the part that makes me the most sad and that I will miss the most for sure!!

After I turned off the lights and closed the door, I didn't hear another peep out of him and checking him on the monitor confirmed that he was sleeping, just like a big boy, in his very own big boy bed!

Update:  He did GREAT!!  Didn't hear a thing from him until 7am! Naps, however, I think are going to be a different story!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You did a great job of transforming the room!!Another big step has been made!!