Friday, September 14, 2012

Gigi Visits

Yesterday, Gigi made it up for a visit for a couple of days!  After having sick kids, it was a much-welcomed sight to see her pull up:)  She entertained the kids outside while I did..ummm... NOTHING!:)  Ahhh!  We put C down for a nap and Gigi and S had etiquette class and S learned how to properly set a table!  She was so proud and it was so cute!  After Little Man was up and about, we went letterboxing at Pelham Mill Historic Site.  It was pretty cool to see and C especially thought the waterfall was the best part.  S preferred to do her "treasure hunting" rather than take in the scenery.  To each their own:)

Today we took S to school and C got Gigi and Mommy all to himself at the park!  I think he relished in the fact that all attention was on him:)  We then went to Toys R Us and got the kids each a little "goody":)  Thank goodness for C's little goody because I had a hair appointment that he had to sit through for an hour.  And, wouldn't you know it, he played quietly by himself the entire time!  I was so proud of how good he was!  We went to pick S up from school and she was very excited to have Gigi there to tell about her day!

Thank you, Gigi, for special memories!!

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