Monday, September 17, 2012

Lowercase Letters

Last year S's k3 class emphasized uppercase letters and we've pretty much got the writing of these mastered.  This year, we are going to be working on her lowercase letters(not sure if this is the plan for her k4 class or not, but it makes sense since we are doing letters-of-the-week curriculum again that we don't do only uppercase again!).  So, today we went through the the entire grueling alphabet(S's idea, not mine) and I figured out which ones she kinda already knew how to write and which ones needed some work.  Now we'll go along with the letter she is learning each week at school and only concentrate on one letter a week - that is all about either of us will be able to handle I think!!:)  But, I should brag on her that she can write her first and last name now without have to ask me how to spell it and also knows mine and M's phone numbers and has our address memorized!!  So proud of her!

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