Friday, July 27, 2012

Snow Fest

A few months ago I bought 2 kids passes to Snow Fest at the Pavilion. With these passes, each kid gets to play in the bounce house, ice skate, ride George the Train and gets a popcorn and a Slush Puppy! All for $6.50 each! Now, if you ask me, this is pretty awesome!! Snow Fest is only on Fridays and the train only operates from April - October. That being said, I needed to get this done before October but S will have school on Fridays starting after Labor Day which now gives me only a month. Take into account that we have two trips still to take this month and I was running out of time! Our plans for this morning didn't happen, so what better way to spend the morning than at Snow Fest!

Let me tell you, there were no less than five daycares there in addition to the other general public. But, somehow, someway, we managed to avoid them all and had next to nobody with us while we bounced and skated and did not have to wait in line for the train or to get our treats at the end! I am not exactly sure how we pulled this off, but I am grateful that we did!

The kids were amazingly well-behaved all morning, with no fighting(a miracle these days!) and listened and best of all they had an absolute blast! And, I did too! Watching them experience fun things and enjoy themselves brings me such joy(especially at the low low price of $13 - HA!)!

We had a great morning, C "ice skated" and ate popcorn for the first time and both kids had their first Slush Puppies. Now, how do I explain that we do not get to do all of this everytime we go!?!?

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