Wednesday, July 18, 2012

2-Year-Old Stats and Loose Teeth

Today we had C's 2-year-old appointment and here are the stats:

Height - 35.5in (86%)
Weight - 28lb13oz (61%)

And, in other news, S had a dentist appointment yesterday.  It was a very discouraging appointment!  1 cavity(her first and don't I feel awful for allowing her to brush her own teeth in the mornings for the last 6 months!) and she has THREE loose teeth on the bottom!!  We didn't even know they were loose!  I can't believe she is getting ready to loose her baby teeth!  Kinda makes me sad - no, actually makes me REALLY SAD!!  I'm going to miss her "little girl" smile!  But, she is super excited(albeit slightly scared to chew for fear of her teeth falling out! HA!)!:)


Chelle said...

PLEASE don't tell Sara...she will be SO jealous about S's loose teeth!

Amy and Michael said...

So exciting! Tell her to eat corn on the cob - all three may come out at once :-)

Amanda said...

no way! it can't be time for loose teeth already!!

Jessica said...

I can't believe it!!! Tessa keeps telling me she has a loose tooth but then she points to her gap, not quite the same. I know exactly what you mean about the little girl smile.