Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Morning Nap

Lately the kids have been so whiny, fussy and generally miserable!  I think that it is a combination of being over-tired and needing a break from each other.  S is in camp this week, so you'd think that would help having them away from each other a bit, but W.O.W. it is rough around here!  C hasn't taken morning naps for almost a year but I made him take on this morning!  He desperately needed it!  He's so cute - good thing!!

However, this afternoon there was no nap!  UGGG!!!  Can't win!  But, good news, he stayed in his crib and played for about 1.5 hours quietly before I went in and got him. 

And, wouldn't you know it, S did take a nap:)  HAHA!  Oh the irony!

After they were both up and about, I felt we needed to stay around the house and take it easy.  After getting dinner in the oven, we went outside and I set up an obstacle course.  They both thought that it was great!:)  Success!  And so easy to do for me!  I'll be doing this more often for sure!

And, then, C got into digging in the dirt while S practiced ballet!!

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