Monday, July 9, 2012

2 Year Pictures

I decided last week to torture myself!  I took C to do his two-year-old pictures.  I dread doing pictures, but he did surprisingly well!  The girl that did the pictures for us was great(she has a little boy who is 3 and I think that helped!) and C was pretty into it too!  Until... they brought out the tractor prop.  WHO KNEW!?!?  I made them wait to the end to bring it out because I didn't think I'd be able to get him off of it, but boy was I wrong!  I am sooo glad they waited until the end, but for different reasons.  He couldn't make it move and he threw an absolute fit!  I never would have thought in a million years that he would hate that tractor so much!  HAHAHA!  She took a picture because she thought it was hysterical and I do too now that I am not sitting there with him, beyond embarrassed!  I'm glad to have this behind me now and really glad to have pictures of my little man!!

1 comment:

Jessica said...

That last picture is HILARIOUS!!! He wants the real thing, not some silly prop.