Friday, July 13, 2012

Frugal Friday Night

I had coupons and there were specials going on tonight that I just couldn't pass up!!  After C got up from his nap, I loaded the kids into the car and went to the mall.  I HATE shopping, I HATE the mall and so this was huge for me.  I don't think I've been to the mall since we did pictures with Santa back in Nov/Dec and it may be that long before I go again!  HA!  Anyway, I had a coupon for a free lotion from Bath and Body Works.  Got it - and now S has it!  Next up, Chick-fil-A was giving away a free combo meal to everybody dressed head to toe like a cow.  We dressed up, proceeded to walk through the mall(I didn't see many others dressed up and felt kinda silly!), and each received our free meal and two little stuffed cows for the kids!  We took our cow decorations off at this point and went and played at the mall play area for a little while.  Afterwards, we went to Steak n Shake where we used a coupon C had received for his birthday for a free milkshake - and I had to of course buy S one too:)  The kids loved our outing and so did I!  Can't beat all of that for $3!:)

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