Friday, July 20, 2012

Riverbanks Zoo

Today the kids and I took a road trip to Columbia to Riverbanks Zoo! This zoo is so much bigger than the one in Greenville and has so many more animals and attractions! 

We left at 7:10am(I actually had to wake both kids up - yuck!) and got there right at 9am when they were opening! The heat index was predicted to be 103(and by the feel of it they were right on!) so I knew we had to get an early start! The animals were all out before it got too warm and we were able to see a lot of them in action!

Both kids walked a lot and I only had them run in opposite directions twice - thank goodness C is good about staying with me most of the time because his sister has never been the best in this area!

 I think all of our favorite parts were feeding the giraffes! Both of the kids got into it and were loving giving them some lettuce and watching as the giraffe's tongues took it and "tickled their hands" when the did! We managed to skirt around the pony rides and choo-choo train(thankfully!) and see the rest of the animals. Other big hits were the apes on Ape Island spinning in their hammocks, petting the bunny at the farm, the big fish at the aquarium, the gorilla coming right up next to the viewing glass only to give us a good look at his backside(HA!) and the baby koala snuggled up in its momma's pouch! We rode the carousel, ate lunch, played on the playground,  walked across the river to check out the gardens since we didn't do that last year when we came, saw that the gardens were UP hill, reconsidered the need to see the gardens, turned right back around, walked back across the bridge, took one last potty break and headed for the car where we thoroughly sanitized our hands!:)


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