Monday, June 11, 2012

Summer Spectacular

Summer Spectacular(aka VBS) started today!  This year's theme - aviation:)

I am helping out with the K3 kids this time around.  I have always worked with elementary aged kids but the running around from one end of the church to the other with dropping off my own babies and picking them up was killing me.  This way, I spend the entire morning on one side of the church!  Love it and love the kiddos in my group - only one really challenging kid and 17 easier ones so not too bad!  And, as an extra bonus, I am paired with my friend, Chelle, so we get to hang out together all week! 

We were late this morning getting there because C had speech, so no pictures actually at the church with the awesome decorations.  But, I did get one of the kids on the way there in the back seat!  We are taking S's friend with us this week so the kids were giddy with excitement having THREE of them in the backseat! 

I've also posted a video of highlights from the first day done by the church.  S is in it shaking the parachute in the orange shirt.  So fun to be able to see her in action since I really don't see her that much while we are there except sometimes passing in the halls!!

And, finally,after naps, we had no plans the rest of the day and I gave S and C an empty diaper box and, sticking with the Summer Spectacular theme, told them to make a plane out of it!  The colored it, had me cut some of it off, and had at it!  What fun a simple box can be!!

I'm looking forward to a great week!

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Hilarious craft with the diaper box! And S was following instructions, that's how my kids played it, run under and grab a ball.