Friday, June 15, 2012

And... That's a Wrap!

Summer Spectacular is over!  It was awesome, fun and, yes, exhausting!:)  After 4 hours every morning with 3-and 4-year-olds and coming home to my own 4-year-old and 23-month-old for a week, I must say that my nights seemed much shorter than my days!  BUT, that being said, I would do it all over again in a heartbeat(but give me at least a week to recover first please! HA!)!  I grew to love the little ones in my group, even the more difficult ones, and relished in them learning about God and Jesus and watching their sweet innocence!  And I know it sounds cliche, but God really did do awesome things this week in me and in the hearts of so many of those sweet kids!  I love being a part of something so wonderful!!

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