Friday, June 1, 2012

Book Week

I saw in "blog world" a few weeks ago that it was National Book Week!  WHO KNEW!?!?!  But, I did think it looked like a fun idea.  I need a little time to prepare with getting books and supplies and crafty ideas(since craftiness doesn't come naturally to me I have to scour Pinterest!) so this past week was our book week!  I had 5 books picked out, one for each day, and some sort of activity planned to go along with each book.  S absolutely loved it and woke up every morning asking what book we were reading and what activity we were doing!  C-man has also recently become quite the little "reader"!  He sat quietly in my lap for each book I read!  I'm glad he is starting to take an interest in books too because him mommy and his sister both love reading!  When we finished our last day today, S asked if we could do this every week.  Whew, I don't think I'm up for activities for every book every day, but I do think we'll do another book week sometime this summer and of course we'll be taking many, many trips to the library so we'll have lots of reading time this summer!:)

Day 1:  The Rainbow Fish by Marcus Pfister - we made a fish out of tissue paper.
Day 2:  If You Give a Moose a Muffin by Laura Numeroff - we made muffins, naturally!
Day 3:  How I Became a Pirate by Melinda Long - we went letterboxing and also I buried "treasure(fake gold coins)" in a dish of dry beans.
Day 4:  The Listening Walk by Paul Showers - we painted toilet paper rolls and made binoculars and went on our own listening walk around the neighborhood.  I should mention that S is not a very good listening walker - she tends to enjoy talking more than listening!  HA!
Day 5:  Blueberries for Sal by Robert McCloskey - we made a blueberry bush from pom poms.

1 comment:

Jessica said...

You have such great ideas!