Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Window Clings

Today has been rainy, rainy, rainy!!

Last night was very stormy keeping Mommy awake until 1am but thankfully the babies slept through it - I don't know how!!

I bought these window clings a while back and was saving them for a rainy day and today was the day!

I got them each their own set, set them up at different windows and let them go at it!  It lasted oh about 5 minutes and they were fighting over which window they wanted and trying to take each others' clings.  Oh well!  Good thought!  I'll just default to good ol' television:)

This afternoon we made our way to PlayNation so the kids could get some energy out and met up with Amanda and Darcy!  One day, one day, we'll be able to be those moms that sit on the bench and watch the kids play while we catch up... but for now, we are the moms chasing the kids and making sure nobody breaks their arms. 

And, since I am that cool (read "lazy") of a mom, the kids got McDonald's on the way home and literally INHALED it!


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