Wednesday, May 16, 2012

What a Mess!!

Staying home with kids all day is the best, and undoubtedly the hardest, thing I've ever done!!  It is days consumed with sacrifice and selflessness along with so much love!  We are called to have a servant's heart just as Christ did and being a Mommy is no exception.  My babies require my attention constantly, and I admit that sometimes they drive me absolutely nuts, but I love them with everything I have and I know that I am blessed far beyond what I deserve! 

My house is a mess - all the time!  I get to have Me time - occasionally!  I have privacy - never!

But, I AM LOVED, faults and all!!

1 comment:

Amy and Michael said...

and such a wonderful mommy you are! You do such a great job. You can tell how much they love you by the smiles on their faces