Friday, May 25, 2012


M's truck bit the dust and he is going to have to get a new one.  He's being particular(read 'dragging his feet') and in the mean time is using the new service truck.  It is SO LOUD!  It literally shook the house!  The first morning he had it at the house he started it up and it woke up the boy (mind you, this is 5:15am!).  I hate that truck!!

S somehow got poison ivy for the first time - yuck!  I think she got it from Abby(that's how I always use to get it too but with the kids now, I don't pay her nearly as much attention as I did pre-kids).  Gotta get that dog shaved!

C got to wear his new-to-us tennis shoes.  They are size EIGHT!!!  I think he is probably more of a 7.5, but there is no explaining that to him!  S is a size 8/9.  So, either he has very large feet or she has very small feet:)

S informed me a couple weeks ago that her pillow's name is 'Bubbles' and that she is a fish:)  She introduced her to me for the first time this week!  I love the girl's imagination!!

C-man doesn't really watch much TV.  It is on, but he is just not interested!!  This may sound like a good thing, but it sure would be nice to be able to cook dinner and not have him right under my feet!  Well, I think I've found his first favorite show - Bob the Builder!  He seems to like it enough to watch at least half an episode.  If I work fast, I can get dinner going in the oven or on the stove before he finds his way back into the kitchen.  This has also caused a problem when choosing a show to watch.  S is use to watching whatever she wants, but now that C has an opinion about it, things are getting interesting!  Things I never thought about!

I took the kids to play Frisbee golf this week.  I use to play a lot in high school(I'm a dork!) but haven't played since.  S loved loved loved it and so did I!  We made it through 10 "holes" before calling it a day!  Took us about an hour and we even got to see a train go by up close and personal while there and  tractor cutting the grass so C was entertained as well:)

S counted to 39 by herself!  Although, it is so frustrating to me that she can count by 10s to 100 but can't seem to put it together to count to 100 as well.  It makes me want to pull my hair out when I try over and over to explain it to her!  One more reason why I am not a teacher - I do not have patience:)

C is all about all things tractors, trucks and trains!  Seeing the real deal is pure joy for him!! He is also getting into "reading" books and is starting to enjoy being read to...must get to the library more!!

S likes to play make believe.  She and her friends often imagine they are Jake, Izzy and Cubby from Jake and the Neverland Pirates.  Nobody likes to be Cubby, so usually C is dubbed as Cubby and he's just glad to be included in the big kid fun!

This week S went to her last Fridays on the Farm at Roper Mountain...tear!  She is in school on Fridays in the fall for k4 and the obviously after that she will be in school for a very long time with no Fridays free.  C has to skip this year since he isn't quite old enough and depending on what we do for his school for k3, we'll see if he will be able to participate next year!  Times are changing and my babies are growing up!

C's Early Interventionist suggested we work on his eye contact when he is talking.  He tends to look down a lot more than he does at you when he is talking.  So, we've been doing this for a few weeks and we can tell a difference.  Well, this week, he has started to grab our heads(gently!) and turns our faces to look at him when he's talking to us!  So sweet!!

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