Friday, May 4, 2012

Pool Time

This afternoon was our first trip(hopefully of many many many) to the pool!!!!!  Our neighbor has a pool and we went over after the kids got up from naps:)  S was a fish as always and wanted to take her Puddle Jumper swimmers off so badly but I couldn't let her as I was doing my best to keep the boy from drowning and couldn't be chasing after her too!  I bought him his own Puddle Jumper this year, but he's not quite old enough to figure out how to use it without getting a face full of water.  He wore it for a while and jumped off the wall over and over and over again - at times jumping from about 2 feet away from the edge of the wall so that he almost cracked his tailbone several times and other times when he'd run and jump into the water where I couldn't reach so I was trying to save us both!  I got my workout for the day!  This lasted for about an hour or so and then he was ready to have the swimmers off and play on the stairs with the water toys and alas he tired of that and was ready to sit on my lap in a chair with a snack.  All the while, S was swimming and swimming and swimming!!!  We should all sleep good tonight!

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