Thursday, May 10, 2012

A Playdate for the Boy

Admittedly, S has had WAY MORE play dates than C-man!!!

I think back to when S was the same age as C is now and I remember being so involved in all kinds of mom groups and playgroups, we went to the library and park constantly and I just spent overall much more time and effort to surround her with kids her own age.

Now, flash forward a couple of years, and we are involved with school twice a week, speech twice a week and S has dance.  With all of that going on, C gets the short end of the stick as far as play dates go!  Poor second child!:)

Today, though, S was in school and speech was cancelled so we went to the zoo with a friend.  This little girl's sister is in S's dance class and they are all in school together!!  The big girls have school on Thursdays so that just left us with the "babies"!

The elephants were hands down his favorite part today!  He made the elephant noise the entire way(well, until he zonked out that is!) to get lunch and get S from school!  It was exceptionally crowded today - I would bet that it rivals the crowd I endured a few years ago when I took S on Good Friday!  Everywhere we went there were about 50 other kids trying to see the same animals!  Don't know what the draw was today, but it was crazy!!  But, we made it through without any casualties and I enjoyed my morning with my little man:)

School's almost out so I am going to enjoy this one-on-one time while I can!

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