Monday, April 2, 2012


We did it - we flipped C's car seat around!

The new recommendation is that we wait until kids are two years old (it was one year old when S was a baby), however, we had an issue with tethering his car seat in the car (very unsafe!!) and his car seat said it was good up to 20lb in the rear-facing position (he is well over 2olb). And, that was enough for us, we flipped him!

Despite the way he looks in the pictures, he was thrilled with this new arrangement after he understood what was going on! He was so confused at first! I'll tell you there was one little girl who was over the moon excited!


Chelle said...

It makes me smile at how something as simple as a new carset or turning it around is so exciting to the little ones. Mommies, not so much. It's just one step closer to them growing up altogether!

Amanda said...

Big stuff! Please remind me to look at how you tethered the seats in your 4-runner this week. I just started using LATCH instead of the seat belt and need to tether D's.