Wednesday, April 25, 2012

All Boy

Boys are boys and they are born that way!!

It is true.

It is amazing to me how boys just know what boys are "suppose" to do!  This little guy LOVES tractors, his daddy's pick up truck, keys, tools - particularly the sharp ones, pocketknives, making "pooting" noises with his mouth and laughing hysterically, trains, spitting, bulldozers, hitting, kicking, using his head to ram into others.  NONE of which his sister was ever interested in, but he has been since day ONE! 

Today he was racing his truck around and falling/sliding down behind it like he was sliding into home base!  He'd then get up, do it over and over again, and then decided it was fun to do the same thing into the wall and then the bright idea came to him to run into Mommy.  B.A.D. idea!  It hurt!

He is all boy no question about it.

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