Wednesday, April 11, 2012

The Crazies

I've know kids that when they get tired, they lay down and rest or at least slow down. But not mine!! When they get tired, they get a case of "the crazies"!

I have noticed this with both kids very early on! They both start running around and acting all silly. C will usually start literally spinning in circles while S continues to egg him on laughing hysterically and encourage such behavior! C also tends to become somewhat aggressive and starts hitting when he is tired. This may not sound like it's all that bad, but trying to reign them in to get baths and ready for bed is quite a chore! Not to mention that when(notice I said "when" not "if" because it is bound to happen when they are like this!) one of them gets hurt it is all over!

And, tonight was one of those nights! I sent them out on the back deck to get some cool, fresh air hoping that would help, not really, but they did track in lots of sand causing me to have to vacuum which was needed anyhow so it was a productive evening if you look at it that way!

They were having a good time together, but I am glad to have them in bed... now if they'll just sleep:)

1 comment:

Kate said...

James is the same way!! I've always been jealous of those kids that just fall asleep standing up when they're tired. Not my kiddo!! Glad I'm not alone in this :)