Thursday, April 5, 2012

Easter Playdate

We had an Easter play date at our house with a few of S's girlfriends, and C-man! We dyed eggs, had an egg hunt, the kids played on the trikes/bikes/cars, hide and seek and chase in the yard. After everyone was tired and in need of some water, we went back on the back deck and had some more snacks(thank you Pinterest!) and pulled out the sand table. A total hit!! Along with the little playhouse that sits on the back deck which we confirm can accommodate six 4-5-year-olds at the same time:) I can't believe how long the girls(I say girls because by this point the boy was becoming a bit harder to handle) enjoyed that sand table!! We ended up ordering pizza and having lunch out there as well. SO FUN! As you can see, I only allowed the kids in the house to use the restroom and a very brief playtime in S's room. Otherwise, they stayed outside and got some energy out!

I think everyone had a good time and I'm so glad that this group of girls is able to get together and do this every once in a while! We are looking to some summer play dates with them already:)

1 comment:

Amy and Michael said...

Looks like they had lots of fun.