Sunday, May 17, 2020

Weekend at the Lake

We've been so glad to have the lake during all this virus stuff!! 

This weekend we spent Saturday and Sunday up there!  Because we got a new boat that was a good bit heavier than our old one, the lift would not lift it.  So this week, we had a new lift installed(an unexpected expense!) and took the boat back up on Saturday!  The kids were able to ski and wakeboard(C up and riding, S very close!) and we also got a big pad that stays at the dock that the kids had a great time playing on!  Also, two snakes(at different times) made their way into our dock area!  I screamed, C was up running on water!  We thought they were water moccasins at first, but later decided they were a non-venomous snake that resembles a water moccasin!  Regardless, we did not enjoy sharing our cove with them!

Today was more skiing and wake boarding!  C was a wakeboarding machine today!  S got up for the first time!  C is also close to being able to slalom ski!  Today we also took the kayak up and left it at the dock!  The kids love exploring around the cove with it and M and I enjoy taking it out too!



The waterfall area was hoppin'!  Redneck yacht club!! 

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