Sunday, May 10, 2020

Mothers' Day - During "Social Distancing"

This Mother's Day did not involve the typical activities, but instead, it was one spent mostly at home, but together:)  I woke up to a beautifully set table compliments of the kids, flowers, gifts and sweet notes!  

S's gift to me was art that she had worked on all week!  Her love language is gifts and she loves to give them more than receive them!  And she uses her talents as well!  C's give to me was a big hug!  In the note I received, I was told that he'd been lotioning himself all week in preparation for the gift of a hug!  His love language is physical touch and loves to give hugs and be close!  I loved both of my gifts so much!  

We tuned into TFBC's online worship and then we called Gigi and Grandmamma to with them Happy Mother's Day, went on a family walk/scooter ride/bike ride and then went in search of lunch.  We were hoping to find that Southern Growl was open for outdoor seating, but they only had takeout!  So we ordered and then played some cards while we waited sitting on the patio.  Such a gorgeous afternoon!  

The kids helped vacuum and mop the house and do other odds and ends around the house.  

All in all, a fairly low-key, stay-at-home kind of day with my people!

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