Friday, May 22, 2020

Social Distancing - Week 10 (Gigi visits)

Monday - I had to work today, so Hannah was here to watch the kids!  They got all of their work done and when I got home, Gigi(camping at Paris Mountain) came over for the afternoon and joined us for dinner!

C teaching Gigi to play chess
Tuesday - We got up and headed straight to the campground to have breakfast with Gigi.  It was pouring rain most of the time, but by mid-afternoon it cleared just long enough for the kids to make a fire and roast marshmallows!  We headed home, S joined her dance class on Zoom and got just a little work done, C got all of his work done and I made dinner!  We ended the night with a game of Ticket to Ride!

Helping with breakfast

More helping!

Time to eat!

S dumped her eggs!  LOL!

We were running out to Home Depot to get some things
to have a better chance of starting a fire with everything
being so wet and we found this guy crossing the road!

Homemade washing station

Camping princess
Wednesday - It feels like it will never stop raining!  We woke to heavy rain that continued through the entire day.  The kids worked through their school assignments.  I had a staff meeting Zoom call with work.  Gigi brought lunch over for us and spent a lazy afternoon with us!   C had a guitar lesson and that was about it for the day!  Pretty low key!

Gigi gave the kids gummy tacos... they loved them!

Thursday - This morning the kids got their school work done while I did some work of my own.  We then ran errands all over town to pick up my new camping tshirt, ate lunch at Tandem Creperie(they are still not allowing indoor eating, but did have tables set up outside, purchased flip flops and bathing suits at Old Navy(now that we know swim team WILL BE happening this year!), and stopped at two different grocery stores!  All things needed to be done and I was glad that the weather cooperated with us and that all of the places were open for business!

Keeping cards in my purse comes in very handy in many situations!

new shirt:)
Friday - First thing, we made a trip to Sky Top Orchard.  When we got home, the kids got their work done, huge storms moved through, and we were generally lazy for the rest of the afternoon and watched some crazy storms came though... again!

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