Friday, May 29, 2020

Social Distancing - Week 11 (LAST week of ELearning!!!)

Well, we made it to the last week!  Hallelujah!!!

Tuesday - We skipped school in the morning to go to Riverbanks Zoo.  When we got home, the kids finished their work for the day and I got dinner ready.  

Wednesday - I worked today so Hannah was with the kids!  They did work, ate pizza, sang karaoke and played games.  I met them at C's guitar lesson and then we came home and ate dinner!  

Thursday - Today was C's last day of school work.  Tomorrow he has a "virtual field day" which I don't think we will even participate in because we are just over it already!  Both kids finished their work in the morning and then we headed out - lunch at Panera, got a bolt out of my tire, grocery store.  We made cookies(well, we did break and bake cookies..LOL!) and the kids played outside before M got home.  The boys worked on the plane while S and I were quite lazy before bed!

That's never good!

It was crazy!  They wouldn't let me get out of the car "to limit
exposure" to COVID.  Sooo.. instead they felt it was "safer" for me to
drive the car into the bay in the shop and sit in the car while they
jacked it up!?!?!  I'm sure that is against every rule in their rule book!

Easiest cookies ever!  And they taste as good as the ones that
take a lot of time!;)

This poor plane has been through a lot with these two!  We will
see if their attempt to "fix" it worked!

Friday - C was so glad to not have any work today!  He spent the morning making water guns out of my cleaning bottles and canons out of matches(good grief!!) while S did her work.  Gavin's mom picked him up and he got to spend the afternoon at their house:)  S had a few missing assignments that needed to be turned in from past weeks, so she had to work extra hard and long today to get it DONE!  But, we made it and are so so so glad for the year to be over!!  

Making his canon

Emptied out my cleaners to make his watergun!
And that yellow Windex is NOT easy to find right now!
I had been to 4 stores just last week trying to find

Busy, busy!

Bring on SUMMER!!

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