Friday, May 15, 2020

Social Distancing - Week 9

Monday - We are getting slower and slower to get started and lazier and lazier throughout the day!  Motivation to do work is dwindling and stir-crazyness is setting in big time!  The kids did get their work done completely before lunch and I went for a run! They found new entertainment outside and spent hours playing.  S had her dance class this evening and threw out her back and had spasms so I took her to the chiropractor and he helped some, but said to come back to finish it up in a couple of days once the spasms had stopped!  She was in so much pain!  I was able to go catch up and chat with Amanda on her patio!  Oh goodness, so good for the soul!!  Much needed!  Can't wait to fully socialize with people again!

They made these roads and had stop signs and one way streets and all!
Tuesday - Just another day!!  We had Whole Foods delivery some Happy Cow milk(including some chocolate milk that the kids were super-excited to get!) and some chicken because Ingles has been out of it - apparently the next item to be hoarded!  C has been studying rocks like a madman the past day or two and took time today to classify them and research them.  S has taken it really easy on her back, and although it is much better, she's still pretty stiff from it all!

Organizing his rocks!

Wednesday - Hannah came to watch the kids so I could go into work.  So nice to have a new face in the house and also nice to have a chance to be by myself!  I love my kids, but I also love my "me time" and always have needed that too!  I took S back to the chiropractor and he got her straightened out.  But still recommended no strenuous activities for a few days!  And... I didn't get any pictures today!

Thursday - The kids came down ready for school dressed alike!  Buhahaha!  Not intentionally, I might add!  I went for a run.  Then we ran a few errands, came home finished up work for all of us and then spent some time relaxing and being lazy.  Because of COVID, we were not able to do an end of the season banquet for wrestling, so the coaches arranged for all the kids to come by in cars and get their awards for the year.  Apparently none of us social distance very well, because we were all out chatting in no time:) 

Friday - The kids got a good bit of their work done early and then we headed to meet the Similas at Pleasant Ridge for some hiking.  This evening, M and I had our first date night in two months, IN a restaurant, with someone serving us at Saskatoon!  Oh so so so missed it!!

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