Monday, May 25, 2020

Memorial Day Weekend

This weekend is typically S's dance demo weekend and it is really quite sad that she was not able to showcase what she has learned this year and spend time with her dance friends... sigh!  But, we made the most of the time that we had together!

On Saturday, the kids made us breakfast and then M took the kids to the lake to work on the dock and took them tubing on the lake.  I got a glorious day to myself and definitely found ways to keep myself busy - back to the gym for the first time since COVID shut it down, got my car washed, grocery shopping finished and a few other random errands!  After dinner, we lit some little fireworks outside!

Sunday we spent a very warm morning on the Swamp Rabbit Trail followed by lunch at El Thrifty, trailside!

Today, we took some time this morning to get some yard work done and then went to Table Rock State Park and hiked a beautiful two mile trail, Carrick Creek Trail and ran a few errands and were home in time to relax!

Kids made breakfast for us:)

I could get use to every other cardio equipment being used - I've always hated
when an un-showered, sweaty, garlic-eating person gets on right next to me!

No crowds this morning!

A very crowded Swamp Rabbit Trail

Accidentally took my picture while putting my camera away! 

We hit 90* today!

Table Rock State Park

We've seen a lot of snakes this year!  This was two cottonmouths(aka water

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