Friday, May 8, 2020

Social Distancing - Week 8

Monday - We escaped from the house early and went and saw Gigi at the campground at Paris Mountain State Park.  Nobody was sad to delay school work!  When we got home, the kids got some work done and S had her dance class.  About dinner time, a huge storm came through with lots of hail.  Amazingly, we didn't even know we could do this, we were able to get both cars in the garage to protect them!  It was TIGHT, though!

The library is providing free seeds!

Tuesday - C had an appointment early, so we left S at home and went to the appointment, pharmacy, grocery and filled up with gas!  Very productive morning!! After getting some school work done and lunch, we headed back over to the campground for s'mores!  We stayed there for the better part of the afternoon and then storms came through... AGAIN!  We helped Gigi to get packed up and then came back to the house.  And, again, when M got home, we got both vehicles in the garage and AGAIN it hailed!  Such crazy weather lately!

With all the groceries we've been buying, and the little driving
we've been doing, filling up the tank for next to nothing is a
bright spot in all of this!
Wednesday - Today was the first day that I had a sitter come watch the kids while I went to work!  It was glorious!!  All of us were so thankful for another person in the mix and them not having to come sit in my office while I worked!  I was able to get a lot done!  When I got home, we did a quick turnaround because C had guitar back at the studio for the first time!  And then S had her first dance conditioning class when we got home!  It made for a busy afternoon/evening but it almost felt like we were not in the virus twilight zone for just a bit.  No pictures for the day, though!

Thursday -This morning, the kids and I went to the chiropractor for the first time in almost two months!  Surprisingly, none of us were too out of whack!  We made a quick stop by Target on our way home and then the kids got started on their school work and I went for a long walk/run!  After lunch, C had an appointment and we left S here to finish her work while I took him.  She joined her dance class for the evening, and it was the first one that she's ever had with this teacher who is Russian.  She said she could not understand a work the teacher was saying.  She was saying French words with a Russian accent!  LOL!!  M finally cut the grass for the first time in weeks and had C assist him with the blower!  C thought it was great fun until he broke out in an allergic rash and about sneezed himself silly!

S got some new hairbands at Target, and this is what
she did with them!  Oh boy!
Friday - It's crazy to think about being that we are still pretty much in quarantine, but this morning was the first morning that I didn't have to wake up and be somewhere early!  But, we all know C, he's not going to let anybody sleep in past 7am!!  So, we were all up!  I was guzzling coffee and the kids played some Monopoly before starting their school work. I went on a walk and took C with me while S did some more work.  A lot of the day was spent relaxing and somewhat taking it easy since the rain came in for the afternoon!  The highlight of the day was our social distancing caravan that was planning to do a "drive by" for C's teacher for teacher appreciation.  Well... let's just say, when your teacher lives on a main road and you have to get out to go see her, there will be zero students maintaining a 6ft distance!  Buhahaha!!!  They were all like puppies let out of their cages and were so very excited to see each other and their teacher!

They were cracking themselves up as they followed a You
Tube video drawing Fly Guy and other cartoon characters!

Movie time!

We all love C's teacher and are so sad the kids were not able
to finish out the year with her!

Every boy there, when they saw the trampoline, made a
beeline for it;)

C's teacher has always said that her son and C were two
peas in a pod:)  Yup!

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