Sunday, April 9, 2017

Egg Hunts

I've been trying to take the kids to a few egg hunts over the past couple of weeks since we will be missing them on Easter weekend as we will be out of town.

Here's what we ended up doing:

Egg Hunt #1 - Aldersgate United Methodist Church
It ended up just being me and C going to this one.  S opted to go fishing with M instead.  It was good for all of us to have this set-up since it is usually me with S, and M with C!  We arrived just as the doors were opening and we went through the stations set up in the gym that told the Easter story in a very fun and creative way.  C did crafts and games and was actually way more into the crafts than I would have expected!  After we finished making our rounds, it was time for the egg hunt.  It was crazy with a lot of kids!  The eggs were all empty and the kids exchanged them for goody bags at the end of the hunt.  That was probably the best for C since he didn't come away with many eggs.  We then went to the fellowship hall and had a hot dog dinner provided by the church!  This is the second time we have been to this egg hunt and both times I come away thinking what a great job they do keeping it about Christ and serving the community!

Egg Hunt #2 - Kids Planet
Yesterday I took the kids to Kids Planet for the City of Greer's big egg hunt!  We arrived early, and good thing, because it got crowded very fast after that!  After they opened up the gate, we went and did C's egg hunt first(of course, whatever egg hunt we go to, the kids are not in the same group!!) and he got the 10 eggs that were allowed, we then went and played on the inflatables.  When it started getting crowded and we were having to wait in long lines, we went back up the hill for S's egg hunt, a hot dog lunch and some play time on the playground.  And then it was time to go!  Mommy was exhausted!:)

Giving hugs to Andy the Armadillo from Texas Roadhouse!

The line that formed behind me...

High-fives for the Easter Bunny

C's egg hunt

Check out that line for the littlest egg hunters... SO GLAD
we didn't have to endure that!

We all thought this was the coolest thing - life-sized Connect

S's egg hunt

Play time:)
Egg Hunt #3 - Locust Hill Baptist Church
This evening I took the kids to the last egg hunt of the year!  I debated about going, but it was held at a local church where a lot of the kids from our school go.  We knew several people there!  There was a short praise and worship time before the hunt, and then they let the kids go... and, yet again, my kids were in different groups!  Lol!!  There were SO.MANY.EGGS that the baskets couldn't even come close to holding them all!

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