Saturday, April 1, 2017

And Just Like That... It's April!?!?

Dinner on the porch - with our new shades which make it
so nice!

Working on his money counting!

The kids and I did some colonial cooking in preparation for
our Williamsburg, VA trip in a couple weeks!  We made queen
cakes(in the picture above with raspberry tea) and flummery!

The kids' school hosted an all arts night at their school.  S and
I went, but C had karate and wasn't able to be there.  I took a picture
of the kids with their art while I was at the school one day:)

This girly enjoyed the nght!

I had to give a budget presentation during the arts night to a LOT
of people... this is a very nervous me before!  I survived, though...

It was Doughnuts for Dads and I was so lucky to be able to
go pick up 50 DOZEN doughnuts from Krispy Kreme... enter
sarcastic laugh here!  I had to pick up the dance carpool from school,
so I decided to get them some as well:)  Score cool points for ME!

Soccer practice in 80* weather - YES!!!!

Another 80* day!
Watching C and M do karate.

Check out his poor allergy-swollen eyes!

A trip to the library!

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